The Owyhee River arises from the mountains of northern Nevada and southern Idaho, because the snowpack in the headwaters is normally not deep, the springtime runoff is rather short-lived despite the impoundment at Antelope and Wild Horse reservoirs far upstream. The Owyhee River has cut a canyon as deep as 3,000 feet down through volcanic rock. In many places the cliffs rise 1,000 feet straight up from the river in a smaller version of the Grand Canyon. The countryside is arid with little vegetation and no inhabitants. The steepness of the cliffs and narrowness of the canyon provide a fascinating experience.
This particular stretch of the river has an interesting diverse landscape. The canyon in general is broad and shallow, although there are several stretches with narrow, steep-walled inner canyons. The predominant basalts found in the upper canyon are interbedded with rhyolitic ash and sediments, which add various shades of white, red, green, and black to the canyon walls. Lambert Rocks are colorful badlands eroded from these sediments.
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Cost per person per day:
Adult: $995.00
Junior: $850.00 (14 and Younger)