Coming Soon to Pacific City...

High Speed Internet Hotspot

With all of the new high tech gadgets available in our planes it has made internet connectivity an essential part of flying.  Foreflight, Garmin Instruments, Electronic Charts, Software updates and others require a high speed connection. Available around the NE T's 

KHIO HD Webcam

Free Mobile Access

Need a quick update for your charts or need to make a WIFI Call? Search for KPFC Public Wifi, open a webpage and it will guide you through the process. Free access.

KHIO Weather

Dedicated Access

Speending a lot of time in your hangar? For areas close to KPFC we have Fiber Optics and High speed wireless coming soon.

KHIO High Speed Hot Spot

Personal Support

Need a little help? Just give us a call at 503-647-5957 and we can help you connect.